Customer Satisfaction
Exceeding their expectations, understanding their business, and keeping us as the best choice on the market.
Total Quality
Passion for excellence, professional ethics, sense of urgency and focus on results.
Effective Communication
We obtain and use information in an exclusive and private form, we communicate in an open, truthful and timely manner.
Interacting in a climate of mutual trust and respect, with expectations clear, fair, continuous training recognition. Being active promoters of total collaboration.
Safety and Environment Preservation
We foster a safety and clean working environment compatible with society and the ecology.
“To be successful we must not only do what is required, but also we must do it right. Our business relationships are performed in strict compliance with ethics, therefore we require our employees for their commitment to the standards of conduct in their daily activities. ”
Manufacturas Especializadas, S.A.
Carretera a Villa de García #3850
Santa Catarina, N.L México 66350
Phone: (52) (81) 8850 2500
Fax. (52) (81) 8338 0141
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