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Líder en Ensambles de Refrigeración

ensamblesDeHp MESA works to be a world class company applying quality systems that allow to achieve continuous improvement and offer products that exceed our costumers expectations.

MESA is dedicated to the manufacture of parts and assemblies made of copper and aluminum tubing that are part of the interconnection between components in a refrigeration circuit used in air conditioning and refrigeration systems.

Among our leading products are manufactured parts with copper tubing in various forms, including cutting, bending, drilling, expansion, reduction, sealed, welded joints, assemblies with control components and quality testing.

Our Products


To be successful we must not only do what is required, but also we must do it right. Our business relationships are performed in strict compliance with ethics, therefore we require our employees for their commitment to the standards of conduct in their daily activities.

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Manufacturas Especializadas, S.A.

Carretera a Villa de García #3850
Santa Catarina, N.L  México 66350
Phone:  (52)  (81) 8850 2500
Fax. (52) (81) 8338 0141

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