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Categoría: Mesa Information
Publicado el Miércoles, 25 Julio 2012 15:43

Today more than ever in an increasingly competitive world, there is the conviction of enterprises and in particular, of business men, need to use third party providers with experience and world class capacity in certain activities, carried out in the past by the company itself, focusing their efforts on strategic business activities or core business. The inventory program, in its outsourcing modality, is a factor to achieve innovation and growth using the expertise of others, to focus on what we do best.


The advantages that offers MESA to customers with this program are: reduce operating costs, improve the focus on core business, operating costs control, change fixed to variable costs, free resources, access to world-class capabilities, release capital funds, risks sharing, enabling growth, since the specialist perform better tasks management, it will eliminate tasks which are labor demanded to do by the customer.

In short, it's a value proposition, working together with our clients to offer the service that best suits their needs and achieve as well the real benefits offered by this business choice.

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Manufacturas Especializadas, S.A.

Carretera a Villa de García #3850
Santa Catarina, N.L  México 66350
Phone:  (52)  (81) 8850 2500
Fax. (52) (81) 8338 0141

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