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Publicado el Miércoles, 25 Julio 2012 15:18
Categoría: Coils

MESA currently serves the growing market of replacement led mainly by technological advances or ecological reasons. Ask about our range of cooling coils, chilled water or direct expansion units, line kits for mini-split systems, evaporators or condensing units.


Publicado el Miércoles, 25 Julio 2012 15:10
Categoría: Coils

equiposDeRefrigeracionThe units are equipped with compressors of high quality and designed for operation in high ambient temperatures, can be manufactured with or without cabinet.


Publicado el Miércoles, 25 Julio 2012 14:56
Categoría: Coils

ETC 0088At MESA we consider ourselves as partner provider with experience and knowledge and cutting-edge technology to ensure our customers, on time delivery of our products.

We design, manufacture and commercialize coils for applications in air conditioning and refrigeration equipment according to customer specifications, both for OEM and the replacement market.

We have a qualified staff with over 30 year’s experience in the industry, dedicated to provide solutions to satisfy the customer’s needs in an efficient and effective manner, offering world-class quality and reliability at a competitive cost.

The coils design includes aluminum-corrugated fins within a range of 5 to16 fins per inch together with 5/16", 3/8'' and 1/2'' copper tubing.

Unidades Condensadoras MESA (2)

Publicado el Miércoles, 25 Julio 2012 15:10
Categoría: Coils

Las unidades están equipadas con compresor nacional, diseñadas para operar en ambientes con temperaturas altas. Las partes metálicas del gabinete están fabricadas con lámina Galvanizada G90 y sometidas a un proceso de fosfatizado antes de aplicarles de pintura en polvo horneada para así asegurar una mayor resistencia a la CORROSIÓN. Las unidades pueden ser fabricadas con o sin gabinete.



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Manufacturas Especializadas, S.A.

Carretera a Villa de García #3850
Santa Catarina, N.L  México 66350
Phone:  (52)  (81) 8850 2500
Fax. (52) (81) 8338 0141

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